adidas Mat Hog 2.0 features: Open upper mesh is breathable and combines wear comfort and stability.Ankle strap allows a snug, adaptable fit for your unique shape.Synthetic material in the quarter panels reinforce the mesh and improve stability and support.Perforations enable smooth air flow for moisture management.Synthetic suede in the toe cap and medial forefoot offer abrasion resistance.AdiWEAR full-length outsole provides consistent floor contact and durability.Drive zone in the forefoot brings an agile grip.Thin EVA midsole and textile-covered EVA sockliner surround your foot in comfort..仕様です。
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adidas Mat Hog 2.0 features: Open upper mesh is breathable and combines wear comfort and stability.Ankle strap allows a snug, adaptable fit for your unique shape.Synthetic material in the quarter panels reinforce the mesh and improve stability and support.Perforations enable smooth air flow for moisture management.Synthetic suede in the toe cap and medial forefoot offer abrasion resistance.AdiWEAR full-length outsole provides consistent floor contact and durability.Drive zone in the forefoot brings an agile grip.Thin EVA midsole and textile-covered EVA sockliner surround your foot in comfort..仕様です。
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